Now that it seems we have gotten to the other side of the Covid-19 pandemic (at least the first wave), everyone seems to be talking about their hair. In the US, people are risking their lives to have decent hair. I am sure my...
Category - Modern Mame Stays In
Modern Mame tries to enlarge her brain
We have been given the gift of time with this quarantine. Since the 1980’s when a fat Filofax and a full diary became the way of life, we have complained that we were time poor. We wore this fact as a badge of honour. This...
Modern Mame Stays In – Fashion Edition
OK, so we are all being good kids and staying inside to prevent nasty Covid-19 spreading. What do you do when you eyeballs feel square from too much TV? I have a few ideas that I will share over the coming days. Fashion Edition...